See what we do in daytime...

See what we do in daytime...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Douglas Prince - Self Portrait as a Dreaming Man.

A couple years ago I stumbled on this picture and it struck me immediately. It´s probably my all time favourite pic, for totally irrational reasons. I just love it, viscerally. I´m 300% happy because this week I finally identified its author, Douglas Prince (link at the bottom of this page). Now all I need to find out is where, if anywhere, there´s a copy to be sold.
The photo title evokes "Self Portrait as a Drowned Man", a photo (actually a series) which is full of history itself, shot by Hippolyte Bayard in 1840.

About the "Drowned Man" photos:

About their author:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Trapped Motion.

Faulty tripod + a couple lights + timing + patience.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Ci scusiamo per la povera qualità della foto."

B.R.B. Gotta make a call. 
Quem resiste a uma rua que divide um parque de diversões de um Fórum?
Who could resist a street between an amusement park and a court of justice?
Qui pouvait résister a une rue entre un parc d'attractions et un tribunal?

Good Night and Good Luck...

Cause we all could use a little bit of Edward Murrow now and then...
